Lamy Al-Star Petrol Blue

This is the first Lamy Al-Star that I've purchased on my fountain pen journey. The weight of an all metal shell, in this case aluminum, feels heavier than the all plastic Safari pen. The pen also has some minor dimensional changes, it's a little bigger than the Safari. The blue is a lovely dark blue that for some reason reminds of gasoline. Even though it's a clear or yellowish liquid...

The metal casing feels nice to handle and is very comfortable in my hands. The nice thing about it is in the colder parts of the year the pen warms up with your body heat.

The only real plastic parts of the pen are the feed and triangle grip area. The grip area is a darker transparent plastic compared to the solid plastic on the Safari pens.

The Lamy Al-Star is compatible with the Z28 converter. The pen was purchased from a local store in Edmonton, Stylus. The only drawback is the grip area might not be comfortable from some people. The styling also is a little minimal from the price tag of $55.00CAD.
Overall the Lamy Al-Star is a great pen with the signature Bauhaus design.